Internet of Transactions
Data generated out of financial technologies. Our approach is security driven, and is centered round individual users and in compliance with regulations. We embraced new technologies and are strong believers of the Hyperledger-project. As true idiots we will add IoT devices to Blockchain like applications. Our platform and gateway for the international processing of payments comes with tons of features such as risk- and securitization plug-ins, subscription management, homegrown algorithms, AI based interfaces (chat bots), optical content recognition technology and predictive data systems. In all cases we are in compliance with financial- and privacy regulations. For specific services we rely on partner banking- or money transferring licenses.
Our typical clients are Fintech start-ups, special-interest (or in our case: special requirement) communities, loyalty programs, factoring companies, payment providers, debt-collection, risk-management, credit- and invoice management, credit rating agencies, lenders and various others.
Again, we are releasing some consumer-based applications in the future, on a trial and error basis. Why? Just to show the world what we are capable of and because we are idiots and make another life easier.